Whale Fish Is Dying Due To Online Shopping And Climate Change Read What Report Says

In the last three months, 23 whales were found dead on the East Coast of America. Of which 12 were found only on the coasts of New York and New Jersey. Just last week three whales were found dead, including the first critically endangered Atlantic right whale off the coast of Virginia. Another was a humpback whale off the coast of New Jersey and a third was a minke whale off the Rockaway Peninsula coast of New York City.

Scientists told this reason

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US government has also been troubled by this kind of death of whales. Scientists have given a very strange but surprising reason behind this. Due to climate change and global warming, whales and their hunting fishes were displaced and they started roaming very close to the shores. Apart from this, increased online shopping after the arrival of Kovid is also being told as a reason for this.

increased traffic from online shopping

The demand for online shopping had increased in the Kovid epidemic. Shipping ports were built in New York and New Jersey to meet customer demand. So that the movement of cargo ships can be easier and goods can be supplied faster. Now these shipping ports have become the busiest ports in the country. Where many big cargo ships also come. In such a situation, the food coming out of them attracts whales. Paul Sieswerda, executive director of the Gotham Whale Research Group, explains that the number of whales in the Ambrose Shipping Channel has increased. In such a situation, there is a collision with their ship.

The construction work in the sea is also the reason

In fact, from Massachusetts to Virginia, the construction work of wind farm i.e. water mill is going on in the sea. In such a situation, ships keep on coming and going. Opponents of wind farms say that the sonar technology that these companies are using to map the sea causes disorientation in whales and they stray and come closer to the shores. Here they collide with ships and die.

It is not easy to find out the cause of death

Whale fishes are bigger than a school bus. In such a situation it is not possible to X-ray them. That’s why scientists have to manually examine their bodies and wounds. It is not easy to detect diseases, parasites, wounds, wounds etc. under about one foot thick padded flesh. The dead body of whale fish emits a lot of foul smell. In such a situation, it becomes even more difficult to find his wounds.

335 whales found dead since 2017

In the last three months, 23 whales were found dead, of which 16 were humpback whales. Since 2017, more than 330 whale fish have been found dead on the east coast of America. The death of such a large number of whales in winter is troubling the scientists. Since the Corona period, the movement of ships at the port of New York and New Jersey has increased by 27 percent.

These instructions were given to the ports

Last year, NOAA had instructed ports that ships would have to run at a speed of 10 knots i.e. 18.52 kilometers per hour. If a ship is 35 feet or above, then on sighting a whale fish, first it has to give way and if there is a collision, then the whale will be allowed to go first, only then the ship will have to move forward.

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